Printable WET Stake Instructions
General Usage
- Charge the device until the orange charge light turns off.
- Place the Stake near the end of the section you are surface irrigating. (Place it far enough up the section that you will have time to return and move the water as it reaches the end.)
- Push the ON button. (Set notifications to your device if you have not already done this.)
- Continue other activities until you receive the specified Call or Text notification.
- Turn off notification light.
- Move the WET Stake to the next section and repeat from #2.
Water Detection Instructions Video
- Charge the device until the orange charge light turns off.
- Indoors – use a standard micro USB charging port.
- Outdoor – Keep the cover on the charging port when not plugged into a charge cable.
USB Charging Instructions Video
Solar Panel Installation
Place the solar panel on top aligning the magnets on the top. When the orange light is on, the device is charging. The light will turn off when the device is fully charged.
Turn On
Push the power button. When the power button is pushed, a green or light blue light will flash quickly as the device connects to the network. When the light pulses slowly, it is on and the device is connected.
Turn Off
Push the power button for about 2-3 seconds. After you push the power button, you will see a flashing green light, dark blue light and then no light. At that point the device is off.
Water Detection
When water is detected, the device will send a notification to you by either text or call. At that point, the top of the stake will flash a blue light 10 times every thirty seconds. You can turn that off by pushing the power button once while the light is not flashing. You should see the top light flash once indicating that the light is being turned off. You will need to turn the device on next time you want to set the stake for water detection.
The battery will last about 2-3 days with normal usage. A text notification will be sent when the battery is low. On normal sunny days, the Solar Panel will keep the WETStake device charged.
All WET Stake settings are adjusted using text messaging. To change the settings ensure that the device is powered on and send a text to the number on the side of the WET Stake. Include in the message the device ID (under the name) and any needed command(s). The following examples will use the example label below. Note: ID and commands are not case sensitive.
Texting Instructions Video
Change Receiver
(change who gets the notification messages)
Text the ID to the phone #
Get Status
(get the status of the device)
Text the ID space “status” to the phone #.
aaaa1111 status
Change Notification Type
(change to calls or texts)
Text the ID space “text” or “call” to the phone #
acbz3549 call
acbz3549 text
Change Language
(change the text and call language)
Text the ID space “english” or “spanish” to the phone #.
acbz3549 spanish
acbz3549 english
PLUS service
(optional service)
PLUS service allows you to receive GPS Location messages. A GPS link will be sent to you with Status requests and Water detection.
Plus service also has supervisor number capabilities. The main receiver will get text or call notification. Additional numbers will only get text messages of Power on, Power off, and Water detection. To add a supervisor-Text the ID to the phone # followed by a space and the word “add.” You will receive a confirmation text.
acbz3549 add
Texts will have the word “MONITORING” before the message. To remove the supervisor number-Text the ID to the phone # followed by a space the word “remove.” You will receive a confirmation text.
acbz3549 remove
Humidity Sensor
(optional service–must be a humidity stake)
When you have a humidity sensor stake, you must put the stake in Humidity mode to detect mode. You must Text the ID to the phone # followed by a space and the word “humidity.”
acbz3549 humidity
The default humidity level is 50%. To change the level, Text the ID to the phone # followed by a space and the word “humidity” space and the percentage you want to change it to.
acbz3549 humidity 55
To get the stake into normal water mode, Text the ID to the phone # followed by a space and the word “water“.
acbz3549 water
Humidity detection works like water detection and turns on the detection light at the top of the stake.
Change the TimeZone
(change the WET Stake to the local time zone)
Text the ID space “timezone” space and one of the following time zone codes.
acbz3549 timezone mst
If the WET Stake does not perform to your satisfaction, you can return the device within 30 days of use (not purchase date) for a full refund of your deposit and service fee.
Do not open the device. Please contact WET Stake by calling the phone # on the device, or e-mailing, if there is a malfunction of the device. Please see lease terms for details.
WET Stake is NOT a flood prevention device. Prescott Farm Innovations LLC, is not liable for any water damage caused from surface water irrigating. Users must always have a fail-safe method to prevent water damage to the surrounding area when surface water irrigating.